"A long and wicked life followed by five minutes of perfect grace gets you into Heaven. An equally long life of decent living and good works followed by one outburst of taking the name of the Lord in vain—then have a heart attack at that moment and be damned for eternity. Is that the system?" -- Robert A. Heinlein
So I probably win the contest for strangest title for a post ever. However, I do think that it lays down the diversity of today's post quite well. First off let's discuss daily life. Last night dad and I went for our now regular Tuesday night dart session. I did much better. In fact I won every game. Two random guys came up to us and asked if we wanted to play a game of teams and Dad and I schooled them. Go Team Schaller. He told me a bunch more stories and we talked about what it was like going to college during the whole Civil Rights thing and Ayn Rand and Allen Greenspan, and stuff. I was nice. That brings me to my next topic. Civil Rights. So yesterday the court in Massachusetts legalized gay marriage. People are pissed off. Now I must say that the only cock I love is my own, but I am pissed off that people are pissed off. I think the whole trying to deny gays marriage is just ridiculous. I think that all of these moral majority assholes should get a taste of these own medicine. Maybe we should take away their voting rights, count them as 3/5s of a person during the census, or make them do equal work for less. Then they might think equal rights were pretty cool. Just because it is no longer PC to oppress black people and women openly now, gay people get the shaft. Ok, that was a pretty bad pun, sorry. The thing that I don't get is that women and minorities are trying to oppress gays too. You would think that they would understand. Fuck. Ok, enough on that, now on to more fun things. So I had this dream last night. I dreamt that it was the weekend of the Brickyard. I was down in Speedway at a friend of mom's house. By the way the friend and house both do not exist. While down there I meet Michele Branch. The first thing I do is call Brie to tell her (Brie hates Miss Branch) and I make Michele play that song she did with Santana to prove it is her. Kinda funny. Then he hang out for a while and I tell her that I think Spirit Room could have been better. She gets a call from her friend who I some how know is black. Michele then tells her friend that she is moving to Atlanta. After this Michele says that there is nothing to do in this town because she does not know anybody, so I give her my number so she can call me later to hit the bars. Then I get attacked by a small dog. Fucked up dream, but kinda entertaining. Her music sucks but she is kinda hot. I blame Monday Night football. Now to rap up the rants I will answer a comment from Mike yesterday wanting to know more about the Bathrooms at Red No Five. Well Mike these bathrooms employ the trough urinal which I usually not a fan of. However the urinal is powered by a giant waterfall from the celing that goes all the way down the wall and like the whole club is back lit with red lights. Plus they have nice sinks. Cool bano.
Now on to music. In keeping with yesterday's theme of electronica today's Band of the Day is Kruder and Dorfmeister. This music is a way differnt from the driving beats of Sven Vath, this is laid back Trip Hop that sometimes borders of D&B. Good stuff although it is constantly refered to by the stall fo Luna Music as stoner music, which I can totally see. I highly recomend the DJ Kicks disc they have, and especially track 3. Good stuff. If you like them and want to persue other crazy Austrian trip hop check out Peter Kruder's other project, the Peace Orchestra. I'll keep whis short since rants was so long today, but if you like trip hop and want something other than the manufactured garbage on Ultra Chilled. Check these guys out.
"The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it." -- Abbie Hoffman
I wanted to post on Friday but I was too hungover to accomplish that goal. The reason for this sad state was that Thursday night was the first ever Schaller family father-son bonding excursion. We went to the Wellington drank beer and played darts. I enjoy playing darts, which is probably why I do it 3 to 4 times a week. However even with my large amounts of practice and dad claiming he had not played in 30 some odd years, he still managed to kick my ass. He claims I let him win, but well, no. The darts and drinks were good but the real highlight of the evening was the stories he told. I will share one of my favorites. For those of you who know the Broad Ripple area, you know about Hardwicke's Tobacco Shop. Let me tell you a story about Hardwicke's. You see, Hardwicke's was originally owned by a guy named Tony the Bong. Tony was married to his wife, Betty Long Nipple. As if that is not funny enough, Tony the Bong sells Hardwicke's to a buddy of my dad's named Mike Morran so he can move to Amsterdam with his wife and make porn flicks. Now my friends, that is a good story. We are now having regularly scheduled Father-Son 6 o'clock on Tuesdays for more darts, beer, and stories. Do not fear I will keep the good stories posted.
Now in honor of some friends up north I have decided to change Band of the Day into DJ of the day. Amanda and Brandon, you guys should like this. Oh, Amanda is also right about the Cheat pulling off a gold tooth. For those of you who do not know about the Cheat please check him out on the link to Homestar Runner. Good shit. Today's DJ of the Day is that crazy German Sven Vath. When you need some crazy hard tech and still want the dance floor hoppin, he does a pretty alright job. Some of you may remember that the picture above was taken at Sven's set at Red No Five in Chicago on November 2 of last year. Red No Five also has my favorite bathrooms in Chi-town. I strongly recommend them. Matt and Brandon can vouch for this as well. If you want to check out some Sven on disk if you can find a copy of the set from Crobar, it comes highly recommended. I have no idea where you would get that though. Ok that's a lie. If you just want to run to the store pick up any one of his 2 disc "In the Mix" set's done like from Cocoon's Amnesia night in Ibiza. Hope you like hard hitting, unrelenting beats. Until tomorrow keep those heads bobbin...