The best part about having a large record collection is that every now and then you look through it and find something you totally forgot about. That happened to me a couple days ago when I was flipping my copious CD collection and came across Sunny Day Real Estate's Diary. I blew the dust off it, jumped into the way-back machine, and set the dial for 1994. I was blown away when "Seven", the first track on the album, start playing. "Damn", I said to myself, "this is fucking good!" It was like Christmas, except it was 10 days early and I already owned the gift. That is why I recommend to everyone to collect as many albums as you can just so you can forget about them. Rediscovery is the best part. You liked them at one time so chances are you will like them when you find them at the bottom of a box in 2 years. However there is that rare occasion when you bust out Milli Vanilli, and completely forget about the whole scandal and how fucking bad they are, in that case it is a least a lesson relearned. So keeping in the Christmas spirit all of you should dive into you old albums and come up with something you have not listened to in ages, pop it in and enjoy. Fell free to leave me a comment and let me know what nugget of joy you have stumbled upon. Also I have to give a shout out real quick to my awesome girlfriend Brie who scored some ROTK tickets online yesterday. Way to be net savvy! I will give you all the official low-down tomorrow (spoiler-free of course). If y'all are seeing it tonight, right on. If not, too bad for you (he he). Until tomorrow keep those records spinnin'. B